Ways to reconnect or stay in touch
Pedagogical guide for educator
This second exercise contains 3 activities. The activities aim to help aawid think about ways to connect or reconnect to family and friends.
Note: This exercise builds upon participant’s knowledge of social media and electronic devices (see Unit 10).
The activities are linked to the QoL domain ‘Interpersonal Relationships’, the QoL indicators ’ ‘social network friendships’ and the support need ‘keeping in good contact with family and friends’.
They correspond with the following learning outcomes:
- To identify possible ways to keep in touch or meet up with family or friends.
- To identify possible ways to reconnect with family or friends.
- To select the correct tools that enable contact with family or friends.
Preparation/equipment needed:
- Post-its and writing material
- Casus: story of Sam part II
- Annex 1 and Annex 2 (PPT)
This exercise can be done individually or in group.
Activity 1: Ways to keep in touch with family and friends (Annex 1 – 10 minutes)
Give the participants 2 post-its.
The question you ask is: “Think about 2 ways to get into contact with family or friends? Write your ideas on the post-it’s.
If this exercise is done individually, you may ask to give as many ideas as possible.
If this exercise is done in group, ask each members to tell the group what they have written down. Let them stick their post-its on a flipchart or black board.
Meanwhile, also ask if the idea matches with ideas of other participants. If so, group these ideas together for them. When all ideas are on the flipchart, draw a circle around the matching ideas.
Activity 2: The story of Sam (part II) – questions (Annex 2 - PPT – 20 minutes)
For this activity you need to show the PPT (exercise 2 - Activity 2 – Annex 2). Start this activity by asking the participants what they still remember about the story of Sam.
How did the story end? Now continue the story of Sam (Part II), or let them read the story themselves (see ppt 2). When reading the story about Sam part II, ask the participants to listen carefully as they will need to answer some questions afterwards. This time it is not a quiz but questions they have to answer with yes or no. Afterwards they need to explain their answer.
The activity is to help them reflect about two things: 1. possible reasons why people cannot always meet as often as they wish to and 2. different more digital ways people can stay in contact.
Activity 3: Different devices to connect with people (Annex 3 – 20 minutes)
Print annex 3. The aim of this activity is to learn which digital devices or social media platforms can be used to get in contact with family and friends. For each item, the participant needs to think if they can use it to write a text, to hear them or see them.