Redes sociales


The term ‘social media’ refers to ‘participative internet use’ or ‘online social networking’. Social media may include social networking sites (e.g. Facebook), virtual social worlds (e.g. Second Life), blogs, content communities (e.g. YouTube) but also virtual game worlds (e.g. World of Warcraft).

Online social networking supports individuals in the formation and maintenance of their social capital; i.e. they receive benefits from their relationships with other people, both at an individual and community level. It has been argued that social networking increases loose connections between people, e.g. providing useful information to each other. Yet, they do not install long lasting emotional connections. Others state that social networking sites can be used to construct a social identity because people can determine which aspects of their identity they wish to unveil to others. Apparently, facebook is a perfect social networking site that helps in the (re-)construction of such a social identity, as it may help with a person’s self-esteem and personal development.

Building upon the knowledge that AAWID’s have a higher risk of being socially isolated and lonely, the use of social media may be beneficial to them as well; not only can it increase the frequency and quality of their social interactions, it might also lead to new meaningful relationships. Online social media also gives the opportunity to AAWID to voice opinions online and might be a means to escape from the stigma associated with intellectual disability.

However, the evidence indicates that people with ID are less likely than the general population to have access to the internet, computers and therefore social media. Numerous barriers still exclude them from having access to the benefits, mentioned earlier. Moreover, there are certain risks associated with social media usage, e.g. safety risks such as online bullying, disclosing of personal information, misuse of disclosed information, …. Although some might be aware of these safety issues, AAWID are usually more vulnerable to cyber-victimization than individuals without an ID.

Nevertheless, when AAWID are supported in using the internet, they can learn to use social networking sites in a safe way. Some will need more support than others but support workers and family members should always keep in mind that a conflict of interest may occur when the facilitation of independence clashes with their (parental or) professional role.

The exercises in this unit will focus on learning to access the internet en some social media networks as well as learning to deal with specific safety issues and rules.

Resultados del aprendizaje

Knowledge Skills

Uso de Internet y las redes sociales

  1. sabe qué es Internet.
  2. sabe qué son las redes sociales.
  3. reflexiona sobre las razones por las cuales utilizar Internet.
  4. identifica los beneficios de las redes sociales.
  5. sabe que para utilizar las redes sociales se necesita una conexión a Internet.
  6. sabe cuándo no hay conexión a Internet.
  7. sabe dónde ir para conectarse a Internet.
  8. es capaz de buscar información específica en Internet.


  1. identifica las amenazas de seguridad al usar Internet.
  2. conoce las reglas para utilizar Internet de forma segura.

Otras unidades

Unidad 7
Participación social

Conectividad social: manteniendo el contacto con la familia y los amigos

Unidad 8
Participación social

Envejecimiento activo: actividades después de la jubilación y actividades de ocio y tiempo libre en la comunidad

Unidad 9
Participación social

Compromiso social: ayudar a los demás y contribuir a la sociedad