Safety: prevention of abuse

Unit 6


The risk or being abused might be considered as one of the major threats to achieve a good level of quality of life in all its dimensions. Ageing people with intellectual disability in general -and women in a greater degree- are in high risk to suffer from physical, psychological, sexual, emotional and economic abuses or any other infringement of rights. Among these violations of rights, we might particularly highlight the lack of consideration of the personĀ“s will when planning their future living option and how to manage their money. Negligent behaviors and abandonment are also common abuse practices. In order to prevent these abuses, it is crucial to empower ageing adults to be able to recognize themselves such abuses in any already mentioned mode, as well as providing them with tools to be able to anticipate and tackle the abuses when they start.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge Skills

Concept of abuse.
Types of abuse: physical, sexual, psychological, economic, abandon

  1. To understand the meaning of the concept "abuse".
  2. To identify the different types of abuse.

Abusive conducts: physical, psychological, economic, sexual and rights.

  1. To recognize how the different types of abuse are manifested.

Types of responses to abusive conducts

  1. To improve the capacity of the learners to respond to an abusive conduct.

Other units

Unit 1

Getting ready to adapt/change your home. Move to another place.

Unit 2

Adapting equipment and assistive technology

Unit 3

Budget management: less income, new priorities.

Unit 4

Optimizing health: exercises, healthy life style

Unit 5

Being aware of the changes related to the ageing