Resources for educators

Validation methodology


The objective of the validation methodology is to ensure that progress is being made towards reaching the deliverables (i.e. the development of 50 exercises for this digital platform MNAM).

First step: Developing guidelines and tools

The first step in this validation methodology describes the guidelines and develops the tools (grounded in scientific knowledge and theories) in order to help the project partners to produce a type of exercises accessible and relevant for ageing adults with intellectual disabilities (AAWID).

Second step: Assessment and refinement

The second step is an ongoing process of assessment and refinement in order to guarantee the production of exercises with a good quality. As a result, the development of the exercises took several design iterations (i.e. successive small-scale tests on variations of a limited function prototype) in order to permit continual design refinements.

Detailed description of the work plan, the assessment methodology and tools can be downloaded following: (Download validation methodology in English).

Third step: Evaluation study

In a third step, project partners performed a small-scale evaluation study, determining the accessibility and relevance of the exercises for AAWID’s learning process. At the same time, the project validated the implementation process of the exercises and user satisfaction of the interactive training platform “TRIADE 2.0_MNAM” by questioning the trainers.

A synthesis of the overall results with conclusions and recommendations is provided. (Download final report in English)