Welke nieuwe behoeften hebben ouderen?

Oefening 3.
Materieel welzijn
Offline Presentaties (powerpoints, PDF, docs, ...)
Meer dan 30 minuten
Individueel In groep

Richtlijnen voor professionelen

This exercise begins with the story of Philip.

After reading the story, each member of the group must express what they think about what they will need when they become older. It is important take into account important aspects such as: help for activities of daily living (ADL), health problems (mobility, sensory, memory, more medicines, special diets ...), more money for hygiene products, paying someone to help them, other leisure activities, etc.

New needs express by the AAWID could be point out in a chalkboard in order to discuss each of them in a deeper way.

Once we have a list of new needs, each member of the group will write down on a sheet what they think may be their own needs according to their personal circumstances.

