Physical activity and its benefits

Exercise 4.
Emotional well-being Physical Well-being
Off line Presentations (powerpoints, PDF, docs, ...)
More than 30 minutes
Individually In group

Pedagogical guide for educator

The exercise is formed by 3 activities. The third one is related to the María´s story included in exercise 1.

Activity 1. Types of physical exercise suitable for ageing people. (35 minutes)

15 images of different physical activities on a table to indicate -individually or by groups- the degree to which an exercise is suitable for participants. The exercise should finish with a debate.

Activity 2. Benefits associated with physical activity. (30 minutes)

Exercise to reflex and discuss about the benefits of the physical activity. A table including several benefits and photos associated to these benefits is included.

Activity 3.  What sort of physical exercise would you recommend to Maria? How would she benefit from it?

Learners, having learnt the activities suitable for AAWID and their benefits should discuss and decide which physical activities Maria should take up and which would be the benefits.

