My colleagues

Exercise 12.
Self-determination Interpersonal relations
Off line Images /pictograms/info graphics Presentations (powerpoints, PDF, docs, ...)
More than 30 minutes

Pedagogical guide for educator

This exercise observes what a “professional network” means. At the beginning of the exercise there is a story, explaining the relationships between colleagues, working in different levels within the organisational hierarchy, and how they cooperate with each other. The exercise contains three activities.

Within Activity 1George gets to know the team” the AAWID should define who are the people in the working team from the story and how each of them could support the main character.

In Activity 2George as part of a working team”, AAWID should write down the senior colleagues of the main character in the story and explain how they support him in his work.

Activity 3Me as part of a working team” invites AAWID to remember his colleagues from his last workplace and how they supported him during his first months at work. The educator should challenge the AAWID to reflect on the question “Why colleagues are an important part of our life?”.

Activity 2 and 3 could be performed in written.

